Volunteers are the lifeblood of any larger con, providing much needed support for event staff and fans alike. In short, most shows couldn’t run smoothly without great volunteers. This year marks an increase in both size and scope for Fountain City Con, moving to a two day format in a venue boasting 40,000 square feet of show floor, and as such we realized we can’t be everywhere we’re needed at all times. That’s where you come in! We need a team of highly motivated, friendly, and hard working volunteers to be the eyes and ears of our event…to help everyone have a fun and safe time at FCC 2023.
Below you will find the application link to be a volunteer at Fountain City Con 2023. Please note that completion of the application DOES NOT guarantee you will receive an invitation.
The event will be held at the New Century Fieldhouse (551 New Century Parkway, New Century, KS 66031) from 10:00am to 6:00pm on Saturday August 5, 2023 and from 10:00am to 3:00pm on Sunday August 6, 2023. Friday load in will start at approximately 3:00pm and should be finished by 8:00pm. Saturday load in will start at 8:00am and should be finished by 9:45am. Load out will start at approximately 3:00pm (dependent on attendance) and must be completed by 6:00pm. *Please note: all times are subject to change.
Applicants must be 18 years of age and clear a background check. No volunteer will be selected without an application or a background check. Incomplete or illegible applications will not be considered.
FCC is looking for motivated, hardworking, and trustworthy individuals. There are a limited number of volunteer positions available which will be assigned based upon an applicant's qualifications and how they best meet the needs of FCC. Notification of selection and work assignments will be sent by email. Fountain City reserves the right to reject volunteers for any reason, at any time.
Volunteer wristbands/badges may not be transferred in any way and do not guarantee prime seating for any programming, preferred placing in queues, or special access to event guests. Volunteers must wear both their wristband and badge at all times when working. Unless prior approval is granted to wear a costume, the volunteer shirt must be worn during all shifts. Report early for your assignment to navigate parking limitations and gate entrance and receive any additional instructions. You must work your full assignment (shifts will last an average of 4 hours) although you are welcome to donate more time if you wish.